Message of administration counsil
In the name of God the Merciful and the best prayer and delivery to our Master and Prophet
Muhammad peace be upon him Without pleasing to God Almighty and the indifference
of the labor force of engineers, technicians and workers as well as customers and valued
,customers because we got what we of this work All thanks and
appreciation to them and to their efforts , we in turn will Do not shrink from them to
provide what is submitted to them for the betterment of our products and the
advancement of our company to the highest peaks Since its founding in.....
Which include a section to correct extrusion molds equipped with the latest
machinery to a section for the production of extrusion process and then section to
polish aluminum profiles to section folded sections in different colors to draw attention
,in addition to the department is equipped with maintenance of permanent
it is here towards keen to keep abreast of developments and to download the latest
technologies to serve our Industry.